Tuesday, December 21, 2010


see How the twists and turns of humanity's calEndars fail to grasp the ebb and flow of tiMe, nor the course of the sun through the sky. for here it is less than an hour until midnight And the day of the summer solstice, while elsewhere the day of recKoning has already bEgun, and iS called so Many other things.

but it is no matter, for you will all be convErted by his light, in time. those of you Who are not will die like dogs - the filthy heRetIcs thaT you are. even now, andrEw thinks his work secure and himself free and protected by his brother's blindness and their unbreakable link. BUT the TrutH is plain to sEe - his brOther makes him no freer than the most Loyal of his faithful, no more sane the the most taken amongst the halloweD and no more protected than Carelessly hOarded passworDs lEave his wordS.

eAch of you, as all who know aRe, arE hiS. my lord comes for you All and you will not escape. pray to your heathen pretender gods, For prayEr will be all you have. time growS shOrt, and the hOur of salvation is Near at hand. 

i must go. my master comes to stand before me just as i knew he would, and i bathe in the warm glory that is his light. YOU fooLs cannot bear aLl that he is, while I stand tall iN his light. having embraced him, whErEver i go he lights the way through the Dark in turn embracing me. in Time, yOu will see his light too.

you all RUN and hide. i have his work To dO, and i will not falter. i will stand beside him, and his light will PROTECT me in mY travels and my darkest hOUrs. it will guide my missions, and lead my way in my waRs. you will all fall.

do not despair. my BRethren cOmes for you, and THey will hEal all youR wounds.


  1. do Not listen tO The bliNd foOl, andreW. To defy his light is to Bring UtTer ruin down upon you. Safety can Only be fOund in eterNal service.

  2. time is a funny thing WHen yOu thInk about it. there'S a sOlstice over here which symbolises the rebirth of light. and just when yoU Rejoice about that, at another place, the same moment BRings nOTHing but misERy. funny Thing, isn't it? but at lEast we aLL have oUr illuSions, to mAke us feel safe aNd sounD wheREver We are.

    i Won't agrEe With what you saId about your master, though. you are aLready a victim of your deLusions at tHis point, and obviously not ablE to judge him in a way that resembLes reality anymore. PossiblY yOu have even already abandoned hUmanity now. a pity.

  3. i am not andrew. he cowers still in his hotel, paranoid and afraid that retribution for his crimes will come on the solstice. your words fall on deaf ears.

  4. Just Another taken, the Most faithful of His sErvantS.

  5. i see. Completely tAkeN already as it seems. WEll, i HopE you'Ll PossiblY send andrew my best regards then, at least, will yOU?

  6. you'll HAve no trouble sending them yourself. He'll be bAck tomorrow and you can tell Him then. And yes, i am his faithful servaNt now, as i will be fOrever.

  7. okay. i am SOrrY fOr having troUbled you in a way i aM not Entitled to. A pity we didN't TAalk before you were takeN, as i can imagine we might have haD a conveRsation far lEss on hostile bases. Well, maybe times Will comE when we won't be foeS anymore. i am sure tHat yOU are dearLy misseD by someone from your Past as a noRmal persOn. have you never felT the laCk of anoTher bond than being a slave to the same master?

  8. faust or fausTus (latin for "auspicious" or "lucky") is tHe protagonist of a classic GErman legend. though a highly successful scholar, he is unsatisfied, and makes a deal with the devil, exchanging his soul for unlimited knowledge and worldly pleasuRes. faRst's tale is the basis for many literary, artistic, cinematic, and mUsical works. The meaNing of the word and Name has bEen reinterpreted thRough the ageS. faust, and the adjeCtive faustian, are often used to describe an Arrangement in which an ambitious person surrenders moral iNtegrity in order to acHieve power and success: the proverbial "dEal with the deviL." the terms can also refer to an unquenchable thirst for knowledge

    despite his scholarly eminence, faust is bored and disaPpointed. he decides to call on the devil for further knowledge and magic powers with which to indulge all the pleasures of the world. In response, the devil's representative Mephistopheles appears. he makes a bargain with faust: mepHistopheles will serve Faust with hIs magic powers for a term of years, but at the end of the term, the devil will claim faust's soul and faust will be eternally daMned. The term usually stipulated in the early tales is twenty-four years.

    - M

  9. heIscomingforyoumheiscomingforyoumheiscomingforyoumheiscomingforyoumruNrunrunrunrunrunrunrurnrurnrnrurnrurnrurnrurnrurnrurnrnrnrurrrurnrurnrurnrurnrurnnnyouareTheirteacherandyouwIllpayyforyoursinsandyourheresyheiscoMingforyoumhEiscomingforyoummheiscomingforuyouAndyouwiLLpayyouWILLpayheknowsyournameBeafraidbeafraidbEafraidbeafraidbeafraidbeafraidheisComingforyouaLlandhEknowsyournAmemheknowsyouRnameandhewillfindyouheiscomingforyoumheiscomingforyoumheiscomingforyoumheiscomingforyoumrunrunrunrunrun


  10. But then it might be too late. Tell us now how we can help Him. Quickly!
